Contact and Rates

Love Your Home and Everything In It

The first step is to contact us today!

Text or Phone: 

604.812.7343 (Debbie)

604.725.9353 (Anne)



$90 per hour for a team of two people 

About Debbie...

I believe that when it comes to planning an attack on any kind of disorganization that I use my supportive and creative thinking.

With my background in psychology, office management, and interior decorating I see the need for organization to be at the heart of moving forward. Our schedules are chaotic enough without adding more stress from clutter.  

We need to surround ourselves with things that are beautiful and useful so that we can focus on whatever is important to us.


About Anne...

I have always been passionate about living a clutter-free lifestyle. I have been decluttering and organizing for most of my adult life. I believe that maintaining your home this way is less stressful and much easier to keep clean. 

I know that many people find decluttering to be an overwhelming experience, but with my non-judgmental approach you will feel supported throughout the process.

I truly hope I can help you love your home and everything in it.
